Her husband called her “Angel Face.” “Avenging Angel” would be more fitting. Alberta Murray finds herself conducting a one-woman investigation to clear her husband Kirk of a murder rap and release him from Death Row. It’s a theme Cornell Woolrich perfected in The Black Angel.
Alberta suspects her husband of infidelity and pays a visit to his paramour — The Black Angel — only to find her rival murdered. Kirk is the prime suspect in the slaying, and he’s arrested, convicted, and awaiting the death penalty. Alberta is determined to find the real killer. But her time is running out. And the road to Kirk’s release is filled with obstacles: false clues, blackmail, murder plots, kidnappings, madness.
Woolrich puts us by Alberta’s side as she ventures into a wholly unfamiliar and dark world to free her husband. We see corruption laid bare, dissolving Alberta’s naïve notions of goodness and purity. She begins to morph into something unexpected, a reflection of the big city’s degeneracy and decay.
All the elements of Cornell Woolrich’s matchless style are here: the tough, resourceful heroine racing against a relentlessly ticking clock; the intricate sub-plots; the grimy underbelly of urban rot; the journey into Hell and its dizzying aftermath; the book’s startling, hair-raising conclusion. Join Alberta on her lonely quest for justice. But enter her nightmare at your own risk.
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