Years ago, aficionados of science fiction used to speak of “The Big Three,” referring to the giants of the field Asimov, Heinlein, and Clarke. The passing years have shown us that Sir Arthur C. Clarke stands as one of the most memorable voices that the field has produced. Now we are pleased to announce two of Clarke’s classics in a new double-volume edition: The City and the Stars and Against the Fall of Night.
Against the Fall of Night was originally written as a novella for Startling Stories. However, realizing that there was a more involved story to tell, Clarke revised and expanded the story in 1951 to novel length, where it was published two years later by the legendary Gnome Press. It was then completely revised and published as The City and the Stars in 1956. The City and the Stars has since been recognized as an all-time classic, ranking highly in the coveted “All-Time Best Novel” awards from Locus in 1975, 1987, and 1988.
This is the first time that these classic and important works have received the lavish presentation that they deserve. The City and the Stars features a new introduction by Robert Silverberg and new cover and interior artwork by Bob Eggleton.
Best viewed as complementary rather than competing works, The City and the Stars was published a scant three years after the landmark appearance of Against the Fall of Night. The world building of Diaspar and Lys is nothing short of remarkable as are the discoveries that Alvin and Rorden make on their journey, not the least of which is the chilling discovery of a being called the “Mad Mind” that is (at least for now) imprisoned.
For an author to revise and re-publish such a recent and well-thought-of work as Against the Fall of Night was a bold move that many feared would irreparably damage Clarke’s career. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth; not only did he produce a worthy successor to the original, but he succeeded in elevating both novels as a result.
Each book features double-page title page artwork in full color, and reproductions of old editions of each book, all reprinted in color as well.
Both books are printed in our standard oversize science fiction format: 6½ × 10 inches. Against the Fall of Night also features new cover and interior artwork by Bob Eggleton and is signed by Eggleton. Both volumes can only be sold together. You will receive matching numbers on each book. The edition is limited to just 250 sets for sale.
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