The Weird Fiction Review is an annual periodical devoted to the study of weird and supernatural fiction. It is edited by John Pelan. This eleventh issue contains fiction, poetry, and reviews from leading writers and promising newcomers. This issue features fiction by Joyce Carol Oates, Kaaron Waren, Alan Dean Foster, Jeffrey Thomas, Jonathan Thomas, and others, and articles by Ron Clinton (an illustrated history of the different special editions of Clive Barker’s Books of Blood), John Probert on film, Adam Groves on French TV adaptations, Boyd White on modern horror fiction, Chad Hensley on Cadabra Records, as well as other essays and fiction. The front and back cover, and inside covers, and a special interview and portfolio inside, are by artist John Tedrick. The list price on this item is $35. The previous issue sold out in a matter of two weeks. Get your order in now.
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